Dog Grooming Estimate Pricing
We realize that you would like some guidelines or estimates. The following prices are estimates on pets that are groomed on a regular basis, which is from 1 to 8 weeks.
Pet’s behavior such as aggressiveness, hard to handle, geriatrics, or pets not on a regular grooming schedule to include pets with coats that are matted or with burrs will be charged accordingly.
Pets groomed on a 4 week schedule: Full scissor and scissored legs are at the higher end of the scale:
Small (under 10 lbs) with smooth coat = $50.25 (Pugs/Chi's Dach)
Medium / Large Shorthaired = $64.99 - $90.99 (Labrador/Boxer/Rotweiler/Dalmation/Golden Retriever)
Small Full Groom (under 20 lbs) = $120 (Bichon Frise/Shih-tzu/Toy Poodle/Maltese/ Short-Legged Terriers)
Medium (20 - 40 lbs) = $120.00 - $200.00(English Cocker/American Cocker/Miniature Poodle/Cocker X Poodles/Schnauzer/Shetland Sheepdog/Springer Spaniel/Setters)
Large (over 40 lbs) = $160.00 - $300.00 (Standard Poodle/Golden Retriever/X Poodles/Long-Legged Terriers (Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Airdale, Portuguese Water Dog, Bernese Mountain Dog, Newfoundland)
Mix Breeds are charged the average of the two rates
There is $120/hr. “excessive undercoat removal” fee
De-matting: add $110/hr. if de-matting takes longer than normal brush-out
Severe matting shave down: $120.00/hr. and depends on size and severity
Show Grooming
Dreadlocks for Dingoes takes pride in our ability to groom dogs for show and we take the most care in doing so without breakage or damage to the coat.
Note: A special appointment must be scheduled and may take more than one day
$200 for small dogs
$250 for medium sized dogs
$300 for large dogs
Creative Grooming even for simple designs (coloring and/or exotic scissoring) starts at $250
Hand Stripping: $60.00/hr. in addition to the regular cost of grooming
Cords/Flocks: $125/hr.
Please note that we cannot be responsible for coats that have not been maintained, properly at home, in between professional groomings.
Additional Add On Services
De-skunking: $50.00
Paw-dicure & nail polish: $7.50
Teeth brushing and breath freshener: $8.00
Dremeled nails: $18.00- $35.00
Nail trim: $15.00-$25.00
PlaqClenz Treatment (includes brushing and gum/root irrigation): $18.00
Note: Prices 75% higher for emergency service
Due to the risk involved to both the pet and the employees of Dreadlocks for Dingoes the cost of grooming aggressive pets will vary from situation to situation; however, costs range from $150- $400.
Aggressive Pets
We do not base our decision, of whether or not your pet is aggressive or hard to handle, on grooming experiences at other establishments, only on how your pet behaves here. We have found that this atmosphere is very different from other places and pets tend to respond well in our care.
Please keep in mind the cost for sedation at a vet will range from $200-$300 plus the cost of the groom. At Dreadlocks for Dingoes, we do not sedate and our cost includes rehabilitation for your pet. We hope to change the way your pet responds to grooming resulting in the removal of your pet from the "aggressive/hard to handle" status to the regular pricing ranges.
At Dreadlocks for Dingoes, we are extremely successful at accomplishing this with compassion and dedication. We hope you put your trust in us and we will continue to work with you and your pet unless we find it in the best interest of your pet to send him/her to a vet for sedated grooming.
In the event of a bite that results in emergency medical care, please understand that the cost of care will be added to the services rendered for the day.
Note: This means that if we conclude that your dog is indeed related to rabid dragons, the quality of your dog’s hair cut may be affected, if the groom cannot be completed due to your pets demonic behavior, you will still owe us for the services completed.
Payment Policy
All grooming fees must be paid at the time of services.
We require a $50 deposit for all appointments
We accept all forms of payment, (credit cards, cash, check). Sorry we don't accept Amex
Returned checks will be charged a $37 fee.